Wednesday, September 19, 2012


To the Church:  
   A praying church is a church with staying power. Nothing eternal can be achieved without spiritual intercession. To say that we live in important days, and that we are facing critical situations, both locally and worldwide, is an understatement. Our world needs us now.

   In the economy of God, the altar of sacrifice was the central and significant item of furniture in the tabernacle and the temple. Without it there could have been no worship of sweet smelling incense. God’s plan has always been the altar, and God’s program has always been prayer. We do not dare think that we have a better plan, or that we have a better program.

   Together, let’s renew our efforts and our zeal for the altar and for times of prayer. Come when you can. Pray as long as you can. Pray sincerely. Pray fervently. Pray for each other. Pray for our missionaries and pastors everywhere. Pray for our country. Let our neighbors, and those that pass by the church, see people coming and going at all times for prayer. Let them see the glow of God and the peace of His presence as we leave.

"Units of prayer combined, like drops of water, make an ocean that defies resistance." E.M. Bounds

pastor hilderbrand

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